Friday, May 21, 2010

Lets Recycle

I learned from the oil crisis is that it can impact us all very, very harshly. I also found out that an oil crisis does not just harm our community is affects the whole world! Its not just a simple mistake that you can make disappear and/or clean in a yippy, it takes time; to clean the polluted water, some animals already affected by the polluted water, and it takes a lot of money.A personal way to start making changes and not deplete our oil is by recycling. I believe by making a video of how this really affects the whole world, people will start to get the picture; and will recycle. I would most definitely resist going back into my old habits because this oil is really depleting and we need more of it, to live a normal life; as to drive, have clothes, and for needs. A way how I would start to help the world is by recycling. <3:D

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Spill

As a member of President Obama’s Administration I really suggest that we keep on moving forward with Obama’s plan and keep doing offshore drilling. I say this because this is just a minor or big set back, but just because of this incident does not mean we just have to give up with trying to find oil for ourselves, so we can stop being so dependent on foreign oil! I am really scared though because I believe the money to clean up the oil spill is going to come out of my check. L Environmental wise this is going to affect the whole world because the water is 70 percent of the earth. Plus with fish dying they might go instinct and with no fish on the earth fisherman will have nothing to fish so they will have no work and no money, which will just make the percent of unemployment greater.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And Its Berly Been 17 Weeks

Wow! I just can’t believe what is happening! This really feels like if this is going to be the end of the world, and its barley been 17 weeks without oil. Businesses have already close down, which means that a lot of people just lost there jobs, which I say is just making it worse here to live under. What I find really interesting and amazing is that all this craziness is happening because of the oil shortage. This is simply ridiculous because I actually saw a store get robbed for all it had. Everything is just in chaos and I don’t know what to do. Everyday now I walk because I can’t use my car. ): It’s really scary because everyone is just thieving and I can’t trust anyone with anything. It getting harder and harder to live like this but we all have to adapt, but it is just hard to bare. As I walked, trying to look for a store that hasn’t yet been closed down; I saw a man and it just scared the my life has changed for ever I saw a man on the floor with blood all over his body I did not want to believe my eyes but I could not deny it, the man was dead laying down on the floor without clothes on. >--->-o People are becoming like animals and just because of oil! I guess this really shows how we are very depended on the oil, we made this made oil be a need in our part of our lives. It is unbelievable! And at this rate I don’t know what can happen tomorrow.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Food Shortage !

I was really amazed to find out that we are at a greater food shortage than ever! This activity really did surprise me because I actually believed that California packed all the food but what turned out was that we get our food and food products from outside the country. Well my thoughts and reaction about this was shocked and amazed of how much oil we need to have to transport the food to California. So now my favorite food “Bagels” so soft, yummy, and warm are not going to be transported here to any local stores around my house because of the fact that it cost so much oil for it to arrive here, the distance is 1,739 miles away from California. I am really sad because I made bagels a part of me (: every morning I would heat up the bread; which smelled so good and then added the Philadelphia cream , with a side of milk, which will I finally eat and satisfy my stomach. I just can’t believe what is happening! >:O

Living Resources

Some of the effects that if U.S. Airlines fail for a period of time it would be a catastrophe. We can all related it to the 9-11 incident that had happened to the twin towers. I mention this because for a short period of time people did not want to buck flights because they were frightened and scared. This kind of incident happening again can cause real chaos and terror to all people wanting for buck flights from or to the United States. So because people will be afraid to buck flights from and/or to the U.S. Airlines there will be a greater deplete in money coming in from the U.S. Airlines, so because the airlines wont be gaining any money, they wont be able to pay any payments that they owe to the United States. This will eventually lead them bankrup and will probably have to close down some or all U.s Airlines.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Supply and Demand

What demand is to me is how people decide what to buy, what are they willing to buy, and what are they able to buy. Now what supply is to me is how much of the goods to sell, and at what price. Something that i really found very interesting in the oil quiz was that there was a questioned that said if there was an oil shortage that the richest countries will get a good supply of oil, so from there the wealthiest people will expected to get a share. but what really fascinated me about this question was that it was not true. it really shocked me! i would believe that the wealthiest people from the country to get a share from the oil but it turned out that they wont get a drop of oil. also another thing that really surprised me about the quiz was that i got 3 right and 9 wrong.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses Of Oil

Well this article really opened my eyes because all it said was true. Some of the things that it said was that "we have allowed oil to become, vital to virtually everything we do" said Jeremy Leggett. As i read this i was amazed because he hit a good point, and he is telling the truth. Another thing that i found an eye opener was that we have taken advantage of oil! As i kept reading i thought about what Leggett said and a lot of things i berly did in the morning i have used oil already without me even realizing it. the water bottle i drank from has oil in it, the toothbrush and toothpaste, and my all my clothes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without My Soccer Ball

Today as I wake up the first thing I remember is that me and my friends have arranged to play soccer together at the park. So as I call all my friends to see if we are still playing they all said yes but the only problem was that none of us had a soccer ball so we all decided to pitch in for a ball from the corner around the store. As we all met up at the store and gathered our money I walked in and asked for a soccer ball but the man said that they did not have any more soccer balls! As I wondered why I remembered that I saw a commercial on TV right before I fell asleep saying that there is no more oil in the world! As me and my friends all screamed in horror because now soccer will become extinct.